Hey there, macramé fam! Tatianna here with a big ol’ shop update. I’m in that weird in-between season where I’m busy prepping new products and booking upcoming festivals and workshops…but not actually shipping out a ton of orders just yet.
In the past, if I wasn’t actively making sales or teaching classes, I didn’t really consider it “work.” But I’m learning that running a small business takes SO much behind-the-scenes hustle that has nothing to do with the final product. My word for 2024 is “re-evaluate” (not the prettiest word of the year, I know) because I really need to reshape my mindset as an artist AND entrepreneur.
After doing some re-evaluating this quarter, I’ve decided to switch up a few things for Macramé by Tatianna Monet. First up – fewer markets and events this season. Last summer left me crazy burnt out, so I basically took the whole holiday season off. That break was needed, but also meant very low sales coming into the new year. Oof. This time around, I’m focusing more on bigger multi-day festivals instead of so many smaller events. You may not see me out and about quite as often, but it’ll allow me to better pace myself.
One of the biggest (and most exciting!) changes is that I’m finally offering DIY macramé kits! My students have been asking for these for a while. I’ll have two kit designs launching in April with more coming throughout the year. Let me tell you, writing out all those instructions was no joke even after doing macramé for 7+ years. But I’ve put a lot of love into making them perfect for macramé newbies.
Speaking of the kits, they’ll also be available for wholesale orders soon! I’m super pumped to share this macramé obsession of mine in a whole new way. If you have a business that may want to carry the kits, hit me up! Along with the DIY fun, you can expect new ready-made macramé pieces dropping in my shop very soon too.
On a separate note, I’m in the process of creating my first official “body of work” – a themed collection that pushes me artistically without being guided by functionality. You may have caught some sneak peeks on my Instagram stories already! This allows me to flex my creative muscles outside of mainstream retail constraints. Fine art world, here I come.
Whew, that’s a lot of newness! I’m feeling energized and can’t wait for this summer festival season. More updates coming soon, I promise. As always, thank you for your love and support on this wild artistic journey!